Thursday, December 20, 2012
Strengthen my heart
Dealing with difficult people in my life right now. I don't know if you've ever experienced dealing with difficult Christians, but it can often be 1000 times harder than with non-Christians. With unbelievers, you naturally have this recognition that they "know not what they do" and you have an easier time giving them grace because they don't know Jesus yet. With believers, you expect so much more out of them. And when they continually agree with sin, fear, anger, or the biggest turnoff - PASSIVITY - you start to get annoyed. But as believers, we are called to have grace and unoffendable hearts, loving people and not caring what they say or do to you because you know your identity in the Father.
Offended and you won't admit it? It happens to the best of us.
Today God showed me that the first step in moving forward from irritation is recognizing and confessing that this person IS difficult and/or annoying you. If you aren't honest with yourself, you will condemn yourself everytime you feel the tension of being around them. You will condemn yourself for feeling annoyed and start falling into performance-based works in order to keep the peace. After you admit that this person IS frustrating (because they are NOT perfect), you are free to move to the next level... to love them the way they need to be loved. You will stop getting mad at yourself for getting mad at them and be able to walk in love and forgiveness with such a grace it will take you by surprise. I did this with someone a couple years ago. I freed him from my expectations and decided to pray for him instead. I stopped blaming him for my problems and started really being able to walk in freedom. Now I only have good thoughts toward this man, even though he has so many problems. I totally love him with such a foolish love, considering how he has treated me and others. But I don't keep a record of his wrongs. Instead, I love. (1 Corinthians 13:5). Now, I am SURPRISED by how I act toward him. It seems supernatural... because it is. I used to get so angry that someone once referred to me as a cat hissing at a dog when it walked by. That's what they saw in the spirit, an animal turning to fury by the very presence of this individual. But now when he walks by I know I have released him from his debts and do nothing but hope for his salvation and restoration.
Now I am dealing with offense toward someone who I have even BIGGER expectations for. Everytime I am around her, I get annoyed because of her lack of maturity and angry/defeated mindset. But instead of condemning myself for my fleshly reaction, I confessed it to the Lord. I confessed my sin, and now I am free to move forward and love her. She IS difficult. I DO have a harder time loving her than others. But, I want to do it. And so when I started getting like that cat who hisses at the dog, I texted three of my accountability friends. One of them said that God's grace is STRENGTHENING my heart. Strengthening my heart. I asked the Lord what that looked like and I saw someone's "heart muscles" being worked out. I looked to the champion, the eternal and unchallenged world record holder for love - Jesus. He continually prayed and looked to the Father for his identity and love and security. This intamcy made him have such a strong heart that when he was crucified on the cross he looked to his offenders and said "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." This he said not only about the unbelievers, but the BELIEVERS too. Believers had betrayed him - Peter, Judas, the disciples. But instead of anger, he had love.
So as I prayed for a tender heart and thick skin - a heart that loves, but also is impenitrable to offense - I heard God say INTIMACY STRENGTHENS THE HEART. That as I come to the throne of grace, I will have more grace for others. That as I look to the literal personification and source of LOVE, I will be able to love better. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:3) Jesus laid his life down, sacrificially. And I will be able to have this great sacrificial love toward everyone when I come from a place of intimacy, because I will have so much more to give. I won't have to depend on self-protection anymore. But I can be free to love radically without limited resources. Intimacy strengthens the heart.
We know taking offense is wrong. Proverbs 10:12 says "Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses." Proverbs 19:11 = "Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense." But do we ever realize that it is not difficult people that cause the offense, but a lack of maturity and and a deficiency of the knowledge of God's love for you when you take offense from what others say or do? Do we realize that knowledge of God's love for us and our offendable hearts are negatively correlated? In other words, the more you know God's love for you, the less offendable you are. The less you know about God's love for you, the more offendable you are. This doesn't mean an offendable person knows absolutely nothing about God's love (though they could use some more revelation!), nor does it mean that a perfectly nice person knows Jesus. But scripture shows us that if you want to escape sensitivity to other people's hurtful words and offenses, go to Jesus.
If you want to hold on to your anger, you will watch yourself getting cold and hard towards others and eventually toward God. We need the knowledge and revelation of God in order to grow in maturity and love (Ephesians 1:17). We MUST grow in knowledge of this love. It isn't something you ever graduate from, like Kindergarden. It just keeps growing.
Nic Billman (Shores of Grace Ministries) says, "I fix my eyes on Jesus, and regardless of other people's behavior, I continue to show them how much he loves me." Don't let other people's attitudes toward you change who you are. You are beloved by the Bridegroom.
Finally, as intimacy strengthens our hearts we come to realize how much we tried to depend on ourselves to have peace in a relationship. We thought it was on US. That if we were just a little bit nicer, they would stop being mean. That if we bring up Jesus in a conversation, they would be convicted of their wrongdoing and repent. That if we submit ourselves to the offender in humility and love, that they'd suddenly have a change of heart. HA! I thought this. You thought this. The answer is NO. You will crash and fail trying to change hearts on your own. Only God can change hearts. We must stop trying to play the Holy Spirit. Instead, we must pray pray pray and love them like CRAZY. Prayer and obedience. Pray without ceasing and rest in God's perfect will, then follow him into the right moves to bring peace and reconciliation.
His grace will strengthen your heart and sustain you to go into the valley of the shadow of death. But we must lean on God. We must be dependent on him to change hearts. We must forgive our offenders of their wrongdoing. We must have grace. We must let go of our expectations of perfection from an individual. And see that we are all sinners saved by grace.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
God blesses me!
God blesses me in the little things. In the small details and inside jokes no one else will get. He blesses me in the flower I see that no human eye will ever notice. He blesses me immensely in the big things too. He blesses me by giving me the desires of my heart, stewarding my calling and passions and visions. He blesses me by giving me a companion, a partner to shake this world for his kingdom with me. He blesses me by giving me the opportunity of a lifetime, to go to Kenya and see a part of the world I have never seen before - but he has seen it. He blesses me by giving me community right when I needed it most. He blesses me by giving me an incredible schedule. He blesses me by giving me the freedom to worship HIM, the freedom to dance!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Thoughts for the week
Reading about International Economics. Learning tons: "A huge misconception about international trade is that
countries trade, when, in reality, it is people that trade." - Paul Krugman
Learning to put God first, and not the opinions of man. Jesus burn off all my desire to have approval from man. Purify me. Let it be that I only want you and you alone. But let me also love others with forgiveness and mercy and kindness.
Learning the difference between complaining/gossiping/slandering/and telling the truth.
Warning against elitism: It is not enough just to proclaim the truth, even the greatest and highest truths. We must also proclaim the truth with the right motives! - Marshall Entrekin
Sick of being called "charismatic" by others when all I want is to make Jesus famous, not some ideology. I could care less about charismatic. I just want Jesus. Choosing to forgive others who keep ostracizing me from their circles and telling me I have nothing to give them and that I'm being too "charismatic". It's not about me. It's about him. I want HIS kingdom to advance on earth. Not mine. Not my church background. But Jesus. I can't make that clear enough.
"Revival or bust." - Andy Byrd
Learning to put God first, and not the opinions of man. Jesus burn off all my desire to have approval from man. Purify me. Let it be that I only want you and you alone. But let me also love others with forgiveness and mercy and kindness.
Learning the difference between complaining/gossiping/slandering/and telling the truth.
Warning against elitism: It is not enough just to proclaim the truth, even the greatest and highest truths. We must also proclaim the truth with the right motives! - Marshall Entrekin
Sick of being called "charismatic" by others when all I want is to make Jesus famous, not some ideology. I could care less about charismatic. I just want Jesus. Choosing to forgive others who keep ostracizing me from their circles and telling me I have nothing to give them and that I'm being too "charismatic". It's not about me. It's about him. I want HIS kingdom to advance on earth. Not mine. Not my church background. But Jesus. I can't make that clear enough.
"Revival or bust." - Andy Byrd
Saturday, September 1, 2012
I just want Him!
I am so totally in God's favor. I never have to question it. And I'm also walking in step with Him. I know it with confidence. And in the midst of my outward and inward holiness which I take zero zero credit for (in fact I take credit for trying to resist His discipline, so maybe -500 credit), all I want is Him. All I want is Him. I can share the gospel to tons of people, lead annointed worship sets, memorize the Bible, spend all my freetime advancing the Kingdom on Earth, but without my relationship with Christ, without LOVE I am nothing. I just want Him.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
E4P: Interview with an Episcopal Priest, a Methodist Pastor, and a Southern Baptist Pastor
All the information
presented is solely from what was told to me from the priest or pastor. None of it is from outside sources.
INTRO: “The Episcopal church stems from the Anglican
church. The Anglican church separated
because of one big issue: the authority of the pope. The Anglicans wanted to be able to decide on
what they believe and didn’t believe that only one man had access to hearing
from God. When the colonies first
separated from England,
they wanted a new church that wasn’t the “Church of England”. So they founded the Episcopal Church which
has the same beliefs and practices as the Anglican church, except for one
difference. Democracy. As the Continental Congress formed, so did
the Episcopal church. 1776 was the birth
of the Episcopal church and from then on, church members, priests, bishops all
come together and vote on their platforms, doctrine, worship, life, etc. There is shared power. There is a hierarchy of authority and power,
but the decision making comes from the people up. This can be MESSY! Many people deciding at once leads to
arguments. Our followers are mix between
theological liberals and theological conservatives. They would not agree with everything I
say. But that’s just a testimony to
varying beliefs in the Episcopal church.” – Rev. Hehr
1) How does one
attain salvation?
A) Begins with a decision to follow
Jesus, then getting baptized. Baptism
forms a covenantal agreement involved in the church – receiving sacraments,
supporting the church (financial and servanthood), community life.
2) Are spiritual
gifts for today? Specifically the
supernatural – are miracles, prophecies, signs real?
A) Yes, God’s miraculous happens
all the time! People just need eyes to
see and ears to hear
3) I don’t know
anything about your congregation, but nationally Episcopalians seem most often
to be Democrats – is this assumption true and if so, why do you think this is?
A) No. In fact St.
John’s [his
church] is mostly Republican. It
really depends on the community if the church is mostly Republican or Democrat,
not on the denomination.
4) Is homosexuality a
A) In the Episcopal faith we
believe that all understanding comes from three pegs. Think of it as a stool. The three legs keep it balanced and standing. These three pegs are SCRIPTURE, REASON, and
TRADITION. Because of this, I have to
look at things through all three lenses.
This causes me to look at scripture holistically, not just taking one. In 21st century thinking there is
science and a great deal of study about genetics. Homosexuality is understood greatly different
today than from centuries before. Being
an Episcopalian, that matters to me.
Scripture and reason go together.
We are created in the image of God.
If that’s true, all human beings are created in the image of God. If human beings male and female are created
in the image of God, then why would one say that a heterosexual is created in
the image of God but a homosexual isn’t?
That’s where Episcopalians begin to use all three lenses to
understand. As a priest, as a follower
of Jesus Christ, I have no trouble arriving at that point. That the image of God is present in a
homosexual and a heterosexual. I have no
reason to believe that homosexuality is not part of God’s created order. You can sin in your homosexuality – adultery,
lust, etc. But homosexuality in itself
is not the sin. I believe it expresses
the diversity of creation…….Yes, I
believe that homosexuality is part of the created order.
5) Preach the gospel
at always and if necessary use words – what are your thoughts on this
A) GREAT statement! I believe in this truth, that how we live our
life is more powerful than a sermon.
6) Is Jesus the way
the truth and the life (John 14:6) and the only way to God? In other words, is Jesus the only way to God
and is he the only way to heaven?
A) First of all, let’s talk about
heaven. What is your understanding of
heaven? ……….. My understanding of heaven is that it is not a place, but a
spiritual union with God. Other religions
can tell us a great deal about God – his holiness for instance. Jesus is
the fullness of that, but he can make himself for other people who aren’t
necessarily part of the Christian tradition.
Jesus is a guaranteed way of entrance to heaven, but his mercy goes beyond
our understanding. I can’t put him in a
box and say he won’t save a Hindu, a Jew, a Muslim, an unbeliever individually
who have never heard him before because they followed him the best they knew.
Other quotes:
- Satan is evil personified,
- Catachism is our collection of teaching
- Reason, scripture, tradition are of equal importance. Episcopalians are interested in how they interact
1) What does the
symbol mean?
The cross
represents Christ. The outward flame
shows the Holy Spirit in us and us taking him OUT into the world.
2) Is the bible the
inerrant word of God, or can we pick and choose what we like to believe?
All of the
Bible is truth, not just some of it, but all of it. But the Bible takes in many different
viewpoints. For example, in Romans Paul
says that women shouldn’t speak in the church.
But I also see first and foremost that there is “neither man nor woman,
nor Jew nor Greek…”. Second, I see Deborah
in the Old Testament, prophetesses in Acts, women leading the church in the
various letters. All these women had to
SPEAK in order to prophesy or lead or preach or whatever it was God gifted them
to do. Some say that the ‘no women
speaking’ viewpoint Paul had was actually to make Romans feel more welcome
because they were very against women speaking in public. This really shows that God will go to any
length to reach out to us.
Again the Bible
is the inerrant word of God, but we must take the WHOLE bible into context not
just pick and choose. Methodists use the
Wesleyan model of understanding to really make good decisions about doctrine,
life decisions, etc. It is often called
the ‘three legged stool’.
I interrupt, “Oh yes an Episcopal showed me
this. He said that Reason, Scripture,
and tradition must be balanced.”
Pastor says “Oh no. He totally got that wrong. Episcopals actually took from the Wesleyan
model of understanding because we came before.
But I’m not sure why he said that.
Scripture can’t be balanced nor trumped by reason or tradition..
The three legged stool has three
pegs – Reason, Experience, and
Tradition and they are limited tools that help balance our seat which is the
ultimate authority – Scripture.
Scripture is the most important, the primary.
3) Your
faith was founded on the 1st Great Awakening, a time of great signs and
wonders, powerful gospel proclamation, mass healings and spiritual
manifestation, and a beautiful grace message.
I myself am a “Circuit Rider”, a modern day mobile revivalist who, like the
circuit riders during John Wesley, John Edwards
and George Whitefield’s day, have chosen to go to the hardest and
darkest places and bring the gospel to the unreached and revive the saved. I am under the impression that signs and
wonders were a common part of this revival and God revealing himself to
man. Do you, your congregation, and the Methodist Church as a whole still to this day
value the physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit, healings, or powerful
gospel proclamation to the unreached as your denomination’s founders did?
Our denomination is so diverse, it spreads around the
world. Overseas we see a lot more
spiritual manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the church and during
worship. Not as much in the states. But here, we still do tons of miraculous
healing services. In the Methodist
Church, oil is a symbol
of the Holy Spirit’s presence. So we
anoint people with oil for healing. As
for powerful gospel proclamation, there isn’t a lot of yelling in the US
Methodist churches. Typically my sermon
would be about the same level as I am talking to you right now. But sharing the gospel in itself? Absolutely.
In fact that is such a firm tenant of our faith we have hours and hours
of missions and ministry shown by a jar of beads. Every hour someone spends ministering to
someone or serving the community they drop a bead in. This jar is FULL of beads. This is just for our church here, but again
it shows how important serving the community and sharing Christ is to the
Methodist church as a whole.
4) “Preach the gospel
at all times, if necessary use words.”
What do you think about this statement?
I would flip it around!
Preach the gospel at all times and use action. Preaching uses words! “How will they know if no one has told them?”
it says in scripture. There are tons of
good people out there serving the poor who aren’t Christian. What we have is something different,
eternal. If they’re not doing it in the
name of Jesus, how will they know about Christ?
My favorite way to do this is whenever we serve the thousands of people
we do outreach to, we simply tell them why we are doing this – in the name of
Other quotes:
- A lot of people think they are Christians but aren’t. It’s the grace of God, but it’s also a response to it.
- To say once you finish confirmation class you are a believer is coming short.
- Baptism – an outward sealing for an inward experience that already happened. Without the inward, it’s nothing
- Infant baptism – more to dedicate parenthood of the child than ‘securing salvation’. The child MUST have an inward experience at some point.
- Salvation – you must have an inward experience.
- The Methodist Church encourages people to serve to local community
- Rules and regulations can be a good thing, but it can also be binding.
- Church splits – God can use our brokenness for good
- Homosexuals invited to the church, but not to be ordained as priests – No sin is greater, all sin is the same. there are certain sins that are so binding that you can’t fully serve God in them. I am not the greatest at loving others, but I can still fully serve God in that weakness. However, I can’t fully serve God living in adultery or addicted to drugs, etc.
- Testimonial: Once, during a discipleship bible study (where you study the whole bible through), a lesbian couple read the scriptures and ended up splitting up and marrying men, spouses of the opposite sex! If we didn’t invite homosexuals to our church and love on them and let them walk the walk they need to walk, then they would have never had that transformative experience of renouncing homosexuality and living in freedom!
- Enthusiasm – literally means to be filled with the Holy Spirit (coming from the Greek ‘thus’)
INTRO: “Salvation depends on us asking him into our
heart. We can’t be saved by good works,
bible knowledge, religion. We must turn
from our sins and ask Jesus into our heart!” – Pastor Bill
1) Are all Baptists
No. I’m not. Calvinist believe you don’t have a choice,
but the Bible clearly says you do.
2) Are spiritual
gifts for today? Including the supernatural
gifts – prophecy, speaking in tongues, apostleship, words of knowledge,
healing, and supernatural encouragement?
Absolutely. Scripture
clearly points to these gifts as legitimate and useful to the church. Word of knowledge – absolutely! (shares
a first hand story). Faith healing
and miracles – so real! My mom got
prayed over once when she had a visible tumor and it vanished! Speaking in tongues is a gift to. Now do I speak it? No.
Does that make me an unbeliever?
No. Speaking in tongues is a
gift. It is not necessarily better than
all the other gifts. In other words it
doesn’t make or break your salvation.
But it happens! Encouragement is actually my spiritual gifting.
Me: I know!
Yesterday you prayed for me and I felt so supernaturually
encouraged. It was like the Holy Spirit
was speaking directly to my heart, all the things I needed to hear. I felt the presence of the Lord on your
prayer for me.
Pastor: That is so good to hear! What a blessing to hear! Praise God.
It’s all Him, you know.
Other quotes:
- Standing on a mountain top with my bud in the middle of Africa as we prayed for that village, we felt the Shekinah glory! It fell on us and we just started praising the Lord!
- God is saying “My Word is a love letter, not a text book”
- The Bible keeps you from sin or sin keeps you from the Bible
- Oftentimes we talk to God but never listen
- In heaven, Christ isn’t going to ask “Are you Presbyterian? Are you Assembly of God? Are you Methodist?” He’s going to ask “Do you KNOW me?”
- What happens with legalism is it becomes binding not freeing
- I tell my youth to Pray, Pursue, and Persuade. 1) Pray for the person who doesn’t know Christ. 2) Pursue them in love and conversation and action. 3) Persuade them by preaching the gospel and showing them who Christ is
- Katrina, I want you to write this on top of a paper:
Now write underneath it:
- A missionary is not one that crosses the sea, but one that sees the cross
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
E4P Update 2: 8/22
Two of the best conversations of this entire year just happened with a Methodist pastor and a Southern Baptist pastor just today and yesterday. They are the freakin bomb. full of Jesus and Holy Spirit and love and encouragement. and I am getting blown away! Like, literally ON FIRE. Will have to share everything soon. [ Putting their recorded answers together. ]
* This is a response to E4P: *
Two of the best conversations of this entire year just happened with a Methodist pastor and a Southern Baptist pastor just today and yesterday. They are the freakin bomb. full of Jesus and Holy Spirit and love and encouragement. and I am getting blown away! Like, literally ON FIRE. Will have to share everything soon. [ Putting their recorded answers together. ]
* This is a response to E4P: *
Monday, August 20, 2012
E4P update
Response to:
It’s been 18 days
since my first interview. It was with a
kind, understanding Episcopal priest who had some theology that definitely
strayed from the inerrancy of scripture (i.e. homosexuality is not in itself a
sin, heaven in just a spiritual union not a real place, salvation entails both
faith in Christ & works – sacraments, good works)**. However, I will applaud him for this: all he
knew when I called was that I wanted to learn more about the Episcopal
faith. That’s all I said over the
phone. And in just that he said
“Absolutely!” He warmly invited me into
his church and told me all about being an Episcopalian. He was so hospitable, understanding and ready
to answer any of my questions. I thought
this was a norm. I thought all priests
and pastors were excited to hear that someone actually WANTS them to share
their faith with them. It’s an open
invitation: TELL ME!
However I found after calling over fifteen churches that it
is not the norm. Far from it. I simply would ask churches “I would like to
more about the ___ faith and wanted to come in to talk to someone.” Every
church a) blew me off, b) told me they would call me back and never did, or c)
one church even told me that I had to come to a service FIRST and THEN ask
questions. When I told her that was
impossible because I was leaving soon, she said sorry can’t help ya. What is this arrogancy? What is this unwelcomeness? Lack of desire to share one’s faith? Not once did I ever say I was doing a project
or an interview, but that I simply wanted to personally learn more. That should be enough.
So even though the Episcopal priest had really questionable
ideas to say the least, he agreed to speak with me. Just like that. We can really learn something from them
(Episcopalians): Welcome seekers. Be ready in and out of season as Paul
says. Don’t immediately think the worst
in someone, but be understanding. And
most importantly, it’s GOOD NEWS so we should want to share it!
Disappointed but still full of faith and encouragement,
Katrina Doyle
P.S. Will be posting the deets of the interview soon. First I want to collect more answers from
other denominations and put it all on one document.
** One of the main tenants of Escopalianism that was
explained to me is that reason opens a lot to debate. Many if not most Episcopalians do not agree
with everything the priest said, especially those that I mentioned. They would have a more conservative view. So don’t overgeneralize like was tempted to
Summer Closing Up
As the summer closes up, I wanted to reflect on the assignments/projects I completed. One was my internship at Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Today was my last day, and I have to say that I will definitely miss working in that office. I worked alongside the most knowledgeable and dynamic peple I could ask for. They patiently taught me everything they knew about trafficking, the laws, the effects, the symptoms, the causes, the stories. I felt as though I took a college course on Human Trafficking simply because of the amount of knowledge I acquired from serving there. FCAHT really taught me servanthood. How sacrificial love is played out in our society, and our role as believers in accomplishing God's work on the earth even when you don't feel like it. I will forever have a trauma-informed perspective, meaning that I don't immediately judge people because of the way they act, rather I ask the question "What happened to you?" More often than not, angry/hurt people have been abused. This kind of victim-centered aproach which I learned from the Crisis Center screams JESUS. Jesus looked at the sinners and invited them into his love. He is patient, kind, compassionate and never accusing anyone. For Satan is the accuser.
The second project I had a leadership role in was Kneel United. Kneel United was a united prayer concert in which thousands of youth came to the Sun Dome to pray for our city and our country. Christians of all shapes and sizes, denominations as diverse as butterflies, all coming together for one banner - Christ. It was all because of a vision the Lord gave to a young kid named Jake Kennedy, a few months ago. A picture of thousands of youth kneeling at the sun dome sparking a citywide and nationwide revival told his spiritman - I need to do this! He immediately started acting in radical faith, calling everyone he knew, convincing his parents through scripture, getting people on board. I was one of those touched by Jake's vision and partnered with him this summer in seeing that vision through. On August 18th, this past Saturday, thousands of people came to hear community leaders and youth pray on stage while worshipping with local worship teams and famous artists - Becka Shae and Luminate. When I prayed, fire came out of my mouth. I let the Holy Spirit take control and just started declaring freedom over the whole city. It was an incredible experience. To me, the best part of the entire experience wasn't the planning, the worship, the prayer, but the three people who stood up in the middle of the arena in front of thousands and gave their lives to Christ. That is what it came down to. Three people coming to life. And this was just the first Kneel United. I believe we're going to see this for years and years to come.
The third is the Ephesians 4 Project. Something I came up with that has a lot to do with unity in the church as well. In fact, that is the heart behind it. The mission is to gain understanding and love for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ by hearing from their perspective why they believe what they believe. My recent post explaining E4P can be found here. With my last day at FCAHT and occurance of Kneel United, I have finally have time to devote to E4P. Stay tuned!
The most important thing that happened this summer to me was Circuit Riders. In it, I broke free from the spirit of criticism, pride, fear, shame, unbelief (was the biggest), and many other strongholds in my life that held me back from knowing the truth. I was prophesied over so many times that each day I would be like "I don't need any more prayer", but I would get prayed for anyway and get more and more and more and more free. And every time was so spot on that within seconds of someone laying hands on me I would burst into tears and/or laugh uncontrollably simply because it was God speaking to me directly - exactly what my heart needed to hear from him. Things I didn't even realize I needed to hear, but God would pull something from the wounds in my heart and bring up old hurts/abuses that I tried to cover up myself. God wanted those hurts to heal himself. There was so much letting go, so much surrender at Circuit Riders that I felt and feel like a completely new person. And for the first time, all I want to do is preach the gospel. I've been doing street evangelism here in Tampa with my good friends, just preaching the good news! It's the most important thing we can do aside from knowing God, to lead others to him! I will never again doubt my ability to evangelize. I will never again doubt my calling. I will never again doubt God's love for me. I will never again doubt his power. I wll never again doubt HIM.
The second project I had a leadership role in was Kneel United. Kneel United was a united prayer concert in which thousands of youth came to the Sun Dome to pray for our city and our country. Christians of all shapes and sizes, denominations as diverse as butterflies, all coming together for one banner - Christ. It was all because of a vision the Lord gave to a young kid named Jake Kennedy, a few months ago. A picture of thousands of youth kneeling at the sun dome sparking a citywide and nationwide revival told his spiritman - I need to do this! He immediately started acting in radical faith, calling everyone he knew, convincing his parents through scripture, getting people on board. I was one of those touched by Jake's vision and partnered with him this summer in seeing that vision through. On August 18th, this past Saturday, thousands of people came to hear community leaders and youth pray on stage while worshipping with local worship teams and famous artists - Becka Shae and Luminate. When I prayed, fire came out of my mouth. I let the Holy Spirit take control and just started declaring freedom over the whole city. It was an incredible experience. To me, the best part of the entire experience wasn't the planning, the worship, the prayer, but the three people who stood up in the middle of the arena in front of thousands and gave their lives to Christ. That is what it came down to. Three people coming to life. And this was just the first Kneel United. I believe we're going to see this for years and years to come.
The third is the Ephesians 4 Project. Something I came up with that has a lot to do with unity in the church as well. In fact, that is the heart behind it. The mission is to gain understanding and love for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ by hearing from their perspective why they believe what they believe. My recent post explaining E4P can be found here. With my last day at FCAHT and occurance of Kneel United, I have finally have time to devote to E4P. Stay tuned!
The most important thing that happened this summer to me was Circuit Riders. In it, I broke free from the spirit of criticism, pride, fear, shame, unbelief (was the biggest), and many other strongholds in my life that held me back from knowing the truth. I was prophesied over so many times that each day I would be like "I don't need any more prayer", but I would get prayed for anyway and get more and more and more and more free. And every time was so spot on that within seconds of someone laying hands on me I would burst into tears and/or laugh uncontrollably simply because it was God speaking to me directly - exactly what my heart needed to hear from him. Things I didn't even realize I needed to hear, but God would pull something from the wounds in my heart and bring up old hurts/abuses that I tried to cover up myself. God wanted those hurts to heal himself. There was so much letting go, so much surrender at Circuit Riders that I felt and feel like a completely new person. And for the first time, all I want to do is preach the gospel. I've been doing street evangelism here in Tampa with my good friends, just preaching the good news! It's the most important thing we can do aside from knowing God, to lead others to him! I will never again doubt my ability to evangelize. I will never again doubt my calling. I will never again doubt God's love for me. I will never again doubt his power. I wll never again doubt HIM.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Exploding with PRAISE!
Oh my gosh oh my gosh OMGOSH! I just spent the most incredible night ever literally BEING the church with a bunch of wild-eyed believers. And then...I can't even believe what just happened!
So first of all, Joel, Matt, Briana, Daniel, and I lead worship for Oasis Church and all of us are literally exploding with praise. We all get rocked by Jesus. No one left that building without encountering the Lord! Then after getting filled up at Oasis Church, worshipping our hearts out and receiving prophecy and scriptures, we (me, my friends, and a few more I met tonight) went to IHOP (Pancakes) to eat late dinner/breakfast. All of us come from different churches and denominations but we all love Jesus and we love each other. It was incredible unity to watch, just a bunch of Jesus-lovers not really caring about what organization we were in but just how God has been at work in our lives lately. Even people I had never even met before I now got to know and fell in love with them! Such unity, such love in the body of Christ. How it SHOULD BE.
So we get our table at IHOP and after conversing with our waiter Paul* for a bit, we find out it is his birthday and he hasn't seen his kids all day and he has had a long long day. He shows us his little wallet pictures and I see how much he adores them. So upon hearing that it's his big day, we sing him Happy Birthday and get the whole restaurant involved. He later tells Joel in a quiet voice "Thank you SO much for being nice to me. I've had a really hard day." But we weren't done blessing him. We engage him and his server friend Joe* in conversation, laughing and laughing just having an amazing really great time being connected. Then in response to a story Joe tells us about singing to his patrons, we decide to sing to HIM. So all 10-15 of us start singing beloved songs like "Eye of the Tiger", "In the Jungle", "Three Little Birds", and "Don't Worry". The entire restaurant joins in and is super happy and we are all having an amazing time. We get all sorts of requests and a guy even gave us a tip! Well as for our server Paul* and his birthday, we left that man some uncharted tip of 200+% just dropping 20 dollar bombs all over the place. He was BLESSED. Then we asked him if we could pray for him. He told us that he actually just within the last 9 weeks has been exiting his drug and alcohol lifestyle and completely finding Christ at a Methodist Church, as are his kids. We start praising God and praying and proclaiming freedom in his life, thanking God for the work he has done in this man. And we just pray for continued blessing and for God to bring to completion the good that he has done. C'MON! So good! God totally set it up for this awesome man to be encouraged!!!
Then before we leave, Joe* has one last request. He asks us to sing "My Redeemer Lives", a song his mom used to sing to him all the time. Joel leads us in song and we joyfully and worshipfully praise the Lord at the top of our lungs in the middle of an International House of Pancakes! Then the manager comes over and says "You guys can't do church here." And everyone leaves except me and Naraly. We stay behind to exchange numbers with Joe* and Paul*. I asked Joe* about his mom because I had a feeling that she passed away, and she did. I hug Paul and Joe goodbye and go outisde with Naraly. We all get together and praise God and hold hands to pray. Then all of a sudden I see JOE* walking over. He asks us to pray for him, for financial peace and guidance. And we lift him up in prayer, speaking scripture and encouragement over him. He just gets BLOWN UP! He decides he wants to find a church. It's been tough since his mom died, and a lot of people in his old church judged him for certain things(so not the heart of Jesus to condemn - ugh!), but he is finally ready now to plug in with other believers!!! YES! And then we just keep encouraging each other and the night never ends!
Let's see, what what miraculous about tonight.
1) Unity in the Body of Christ manifested
2) Worship and prayer and happy goodness in the middle of an IHOP
3) Laying hands on and Encouraging an ex-drug/alcohol addict to keep following Christ and recieving his identity, blessing, and inheritence - and hearing about his entire family coming to Christ through him!
4) Laying hands on and encouraging a young man who has still been greiving the loss of his mother, but from his encounter with us tonight is making the decision to go back to the Church!
COME ON! This should not be a suprise. This should be a nightly occurance. We get filled up and wherever we go just explode people with Jesus. Let's be MOBILE EVANGELISTS. Let's be REVIVALISTS. Let's be ON FIRE and READY. Let's be RADICAL LOVERS! Selah.
Thank you Jesus for tonight! Amen
- Katrina Doyle
*Paul and Joe are pseudoynms to replace their real names, out of respect for their personal testimonies so that they remain anonymous
So first of all, Joel, Matt, Briana, Daniel, and I lead worship for Oasis Church and all of us are literally exploding with praise. We all get rocked by Jesus. No one left that building without encountering the Lord! Then after getting filled up at Oasis Church, worshipping our hearts out and receiving prophecy and scriptures, we (me, my friends, and a few more I met tonight) went to IHOP (Pancakes) to eat late dinner/breakfast. All of us come from different churches and denominations but we all love Jesus and we love each other. It was incredible unity to watch, just a bunch of Jesus-lovers not really caring about what organization we were in but just how God has been at work in our lives lately. Even people I had never even met before I now got to know and fell in love with them! Such unity, such love in the body of Christ. How it SHOULD BE.
So we get our table at IHOP and after conversing with our waiter Paul* for a bit, we find out it is his birthday and he hasn't seen his kids all day and he has had a long long day. He shows us his little wallet pictures and I see how much he adores them. So upon hearing that it's his big day, we sing him Happy Birthday and get the whole restaurant involved. He later tells Joel in a quiet voice "Thank you SO much for being nice to me. I've had a really hard day." But we weren't done blessing him. We engage him and his server friend Joe* in conversation, laughing and laughing just having an amazing really great time being connected. Then in response to a story Joe tells us about singing to his patrons, we decide to sing to HIM. So all 10-15 of us start singing beloved songs like "Eye of the Tiger", "In the Jungle", "Three Little Birds", and "Don't Worry". The entire restaurant joins in and is super happy and we are all having an amazing time. We get all sorts of requests and a guy even gave us a tip! Well as for our server Paul* and his birthday, we left that man some uncharted tip of 200+% just dropping 20 dollar bombs all over the place. He was BLESSED. Then we asked him if we could pray for him. He told us that he actually just within the last 9 weeks has been exiting his drug and alcohol lifestyle and completely finding Christ at a Methodist Church, as are his kids. We start praising God and praying and proclaiming freedom in his life, thanking God for the work he has done in this man. And we just pray for continued blessing and for God to bring to completion the good that he has done. C'MON! So good! God totally set it up for this awesome man to be encouraged!!!
Then before we leave, Joe* has one last request. He asks us to sing "My Redeemer Lives", a song his mom used to sing to him all the time. Joel leads us in song and we joyfully and worshipfully praise the Lord at the top of our lungs in the middle of an International House of Pancakes! Then the manager comes over and says "You guys can't do church here." And everyone leaves except me and Naraly. We stay behind to exchange numbers with Joe* and Paul*. I asked Joe* about his mom because I had a feeling that she passed away, and she did. I hug Paul and Joe goodbye and go outisde with Naraly. We all get together and praise God and hold hands to pray. Then all of a sudden I see JOE* walking over. He asks us to pray for him, for financial peace and guidance. And we lift him up in prayer, speaking scripture and encouragement over him. He just gets BLOWN UP! He decides he wants to find a church. It's been tough since his mom died, and a lot of people in his old church judged him for certain things(so not the heart of Jesus to condemn - ugh!), but he is finally ready now to plug in with other believers!!! YES! And then we just keep encouraging each other and the night never ends!
Let's see, what what miraculous about tonight.
1) Unity in the Body of Christ manifested
2) Worship and prayer and happy goodness in the middle of an IHOP
3) Laying hands on and Encouraging an ex-drug/alcohol addict to keep following Christ and recieving his identity, blessing, and inheritence - and hearing about his entire family coming to Christ through him!
4) Laying hands on and encouraging a young man who has still been greiving the loss of his mother, but from his encounter with us tonight is making the decision to go back to the Church!
COME ON! This should not be a suprise. This should be a nightly occurance. We get filled up and wherever we go just explode people with Jesus. Let's be MOBILE EVANGELISTS. Let's be REVIVALISTS. Let's be ON FIRE and READY. Let's be RADICAL LOVERS! Selah.
Thank you Jesus for tonight! Amen
- Katrina Doyle
*Paul and Joe are pseudoynms to replace their real names, out of respect for their personal testimonies so that they remain anonymous
Friday, August 3, 2012
Peace, Love, and Justice
"When we go school supply shopping, can I get binders that make me happy? Like ones with little flowers on them?" I begged. My mom replied with a smirk, "Like Peace, Love, and Justice?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion. She expanded, "I know what you meant. It made me think of Peace, Love, and Jusice - the things that are important to you."
I thought about it and it's true. I wanted to brush it off at first. I don't want to be the stereotypical hippie so I try and pretend that I'm not some Kumbaya Warlord. I always feel like I have to break the mold of what people think I am. But when it comes down to it - yeah. I love Peace, Love, and Justice.
This statement came after a conversation that we had earlier. We were talking about civil liberties - specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. We talked about discrimination and laws that give special rights to minority groups. We talked about Chick Fil A day and compared it to the mosque at Ground Zero. We talked about the difference between Muslims and radical terrorists. We talked about how trafficking doesn't discriminate by race. And then, let's just say it ended with a slight disagreement. I felt like my mom was being really ignorant and injust about having what was in my eyes a bigoted misconception, and she just wouldn't listen to reason. However after the conversation, I felt like a complete douche. I felt like I was one of those people who have to go around trying to enlighten everyone. Specifically, I felt like your stereotypical panties-in-a-wad liberal who thinks you're a horrible decrepid hell-dweller if you don't think the same way. So mom, I'm sorry.
Then it made me think. Can I ever learn to divorce self-righteousness with fighting for justice? Can I do it in a way that is inviting for both those who agree and disagree? I have come to the conclusion that only if I allow Love into the equation of Justice can I have Peace. And the source of all Love is God. So looking to Him I can see what it means to be Just and Loving, the Prince of Peace. No more wagging my finger at the public like some grumpy old nanny. It's time to be like Christ.
I thought about it and it's true. I wanted to brush it off at first. I don't want to be the stereotypical hippie so I try and pretend that I'm not some Kumbaya Warlord. I always feel like I have to break the mold of what people think I am. But when it comes down to it - yeah. I love Peace, Love, and Justice.
This statement came after a conversation that we had earlier. We were talking about civil liberties - specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. We talked about discrimination and laws that give special rights to minority groups. We talked about Chick Fil A day and compared it to the mosque at Ground Zero. We talked about the difference between Muslims and radical terrorists. We talked about how trafficking doesn't discriminate by race. And then, let's just say it ended with a slight disagreement. I felt like my mom was being really ignorant and injust about having what was in my eyes a bigoted misconception, and she just wouldn't listen to reason. However after the conversation, I felt like a complete douche. I felt like I was one of those people who have to go around trying to enlighten everyone. Specifically, I felt like your stereotypical panties-in-a-wad liberal who thinks you're a horrible decrepid hell-dweller if you don't think the same way. So mom, I'm sorry.
Then it made me think. Can I ever learn to divorce self-righteousness with fighting for justice? Can I do it in a way that is inviting for both those who agree and disagree? I have come to the conclusion that only if I allow Love into the equation of Justice can I have Peace. And the source of all Love is God. So looking to Him I can see what it means to be Just and Loving, the Prince of Peace. No more wagging my finger at the public like some grumpy old nanny. It's time to be like Christ.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
The Ephesians 4 Project
For so long,
the beautiful bride of Christ has had internal battles, cruel and deadly. Churches split off because of disputes,
theological interpretation widens, and denominations form all the time. However, God’s will for us from the beginning
was that we would be united in love and conviction (1 Corinthians 1:10 - 10 I
appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you
agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you
may be perfectly united in mind and thought.). Division comes straight from the pit of hell
(1 Corinthians 13:8 - The enemy’s plan is
to get us into strife ensuring that we not walk in love for love never fails).
I am a Christian. Depending on the circumstance some might call
me a non-denominational. Others would
call me an evangelical. Others, a
charismatic. And others, a fanatic
radical. To me, Christ, and the ones who
know and love me, I am simply a Christ follower who has experienced firsthand
the passionate zealous love of God and in response I passionately and zealously
love my Savior.
As a passionate
truth-seeker and Christ-lover, I never want to be bigoted or biased towards my
own perspective. I believe in absolute truth – that Jesus is God and
that God is love and that all who call on the name of Jesus will be saved from
the due punishment of their sins, etc.
However, I recognize that in religion and faith, especially within
Christianity, truth can get mixed with personal conviction. I think personal conviction is great. I think that there are certain things we
learn from God and His Word that are not to be tossed to the wind just because
someone thinks differently. However, I
also believe we must all be open to the reality that God’s word is true and
even though we may have different convictions on minor details, the entirety of
the Bible must be treated as the inerrant word of God and nothing less. Therefore we can’t hold to our denominations
more than we hold to the Bible. (1 Corinthians 3:3-5 - 3 You are still worldly. For since there is
jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like
mere humans? 4 For when one says, “I
follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings? 5 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul?
Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to
each his task.)
Where I personally can often become biased
is my practice of God’s word and my own personal convictions. Worse is where I am prejudice – where I have false misconceptions about what certain
people believe and judge them accordingly.
I refuse to be another close-minded
Christian, holding faster to my denomination than the inerrant word of God and
the Holy Spirit. I refuse to judge
others just because they worship differently than me and have different
convictions – politically, theologically, etc.
And I refuse to be ignorant to the reality and truth of what it really
is some people believe. That is why I am going to several Christian
ministers, pastors, and priests to understand their denominations and debunk
some of the many misconceptions that are made about them. I don’t want to just ask another peer because
to really get down to the bottom of things, who better to ask than the leader
of the church?
I am going to be sitting down with a Roman
Catholic, a Southern Baptist, an Episcopalian/Anglican, a Lutheran, a
Methodist, a conservative Pentecostal, and a Presbyterian (PCUSA) – the largest
and more theologically liberal of the Presbyterian denominations. These are the denominations I have had the
least contact with (besides SB) and the least understanding (I really and
honestly just don’t get why they believe certain things). But hopefully the outcome of this research
project will grant me better understanding
(Proverbs 2:6: For the LORD gives
wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.) and most of all love for my fellow Christian brothers and sisters (Colossians 3:14
- And over all these virtues put on love,
which binds them all together in perfect unity).
I’m calling this
the Ephesians 4 Project because this chapter is devoted to unity and peace in
the Bride of Christ and living out this love like Christ. I encourage reading it: As I start on this exciting journey, pray
that I have the courage and favor to see this through, God-willing. But most of all that we as the body of Christ
become to convicted to live an Ephesians 4 lifestyle.
Excited and not sure what to
expect, but stepping out in faith,
Katrina Doyle
Friday, May 11, 2012
Well it's done. I'm moved out, packed up, and waiting in the airport terminal to come home for good! (for the next 3 1/2 months at least) I kissed Thurston (my constant party of a dorm) a bittersweet goodbye, and with tears in my eyes wished my best friends off on an amazing summer. I am in awe of how close I've gotten to some of the people here. They have touched my heart, reached in, shaken something up, and changed me forever. It's as if God himself, indwelled in us Christians via his Holy Spirit, used my friends to minister to me and tell me how much He loves me. From camping to insane prayer meetings to sharing our hearts, I have developed some of the greatest friendships of my life. I can't wait to room with two of my best friends next year - Franny and Rohita. We're going to have a bible study in our room and it's going to ROCK. Smiling to myself now, I am realizing that these goodbyes are only setting the stage for a lifetime of awesomeness - the best is yet to come! And this is only the beginning.
I see DC surrounding me. And I'm not looking at marble-cut monuments or a pencil-like sculpture reaching into the sky. But I see it right now even in this terminal. Because after living here for almost a year, I have a new worldview. God stripped any bit of bigotry out of my bones, put me in situations that made me ask questions and seek answers, and caused me to see through a new lens. I can finally say that I am at that point in my life where I don't know everything! I DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING. It's such a freeing statement, and yet it gives me this insatiable obsession for information. Call it college, but I say it's the diversity of DC. So many ideas, so many worldviews. People from all over the world come here to change things, but then they find that they have so much to learn. STORY OF MY LIFE. Well now that I officially don't know everything, I can see how real my passions are, how good and pure my idealistic motives are. I can see them through a critical lens and follow God through every single step, hurdle, and encounter. I'm ready. DC has shaped me, and now I'm ready to shape it.
The truth is, though, DC will have to wait for me for a few months. I'm done with finals, done with work, done with responsibilities, done with stresses, and done with a tiny cramped dorm room - for the time being. Gosh I've been so homesick. I'm ready to go see my family. I want to kiss my sister on the face, embrace my dad in a giant hug, and cuddle next to my mama. And the best part forizzle is no more college food. Good bye PB&J, hello Mom's cooking! I'm ready to see Jacob and cuddle with him for two weeks straight, jam like crazy with his new mandolin and my mediocre guitar skills, and give him a kiss! I'm ready to start a bible study with all my friends back home, and I'm ready to just sit and give God all the praise and all the honor and all the glory. Yes. That'll be the best part of coming home. No more fixed schedules, but just blissful chilltime with my Creator.
Goodbye DC (for now), hello Tampa!
<3 Katrina
I see DC surrounding me. And I'm not looking at marble-cut monuments or a pencil-like sculpture reaching into the sky. But I see it right now even in this terminal. Because after living here for almost a year, I have a new worldview. God stripped any bit of bigotry out of my bones, put me in situations that made me ask questions and seek answers, and caused me to see through a new lens. I can finally say that I am at that point in my life where I don't know everything! I DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING. It's such a freeing statement, and yet it gives me this insatiable obsession for information. Call it college, but I say it's the diversity of DC. So many ideas, so many worldviews. People from all over the world come here to change things, but then they find that they have so much to learn. STORY OF MY LIFE. Well now that I officially don't know everything, I can see how real my passions are, how good and pure my idealistic motives are. I can see them through a critical lens and follow God through every single step, hurdle, and encounter. I'm ready. DC has shaped me, and now I'm ready to shape it.
The truth is, though, DC will have to wait for me for a few months. I'm done with finals, done with work, done with responsibilities, done with stresses, and done with a tiny cramped dorm room - for the time being. Gosh I've been so homesick. I'm ready to go see my family. I want to kiss my sister on the face, embrace my dad in a giant hug, and cuddle next to my mama. And the best part forizzle is no more college food. Good bye PB&J, hello Mom's cooking! I'm ready to see Jacob and cuddle with him for two weeks straight, jam like crazy with his new mandolin and my mediocre guitar skills, and give him a kiss! I'm ready to start a bible study with all my friends back home, and I'm ready to just sit and give God all the praise and all the honor and all the glory. Yes. That'll be the best part of coming home. No more fixed schedules, but just blissful chilltime with my Creator.
Goodbye DC (for now), hello Tampa!
<3 Katrina
Monday, April 23, 2012
No place I'd rather be
There's no place I'd rather be
There's no place I'd rather be
There's no place I'd rather be
Than here in your love. Here in your love.
I have decided, at this point, to make prayer a priority. To make intimacy my lifestyle. To worship the God who created me, loves me, saved me, and gives good gifts to me. His presence is so good!
Seeking his face.
There's no place I'd rather be
There's no place I'd rather be
Than here in your love. Here in your love.
I have decided, at this point, to make prayer a priority. To make intimacy my lifestyle. To worship the God who created me, loves me, saved me, and gives good gifts to me. His presence is so good!
Seeking his face.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The American Slave Trade
Not Quite a Teen, Yet Sold for Sex - Nicholas Kristof
This news story exposes the truth of human trafficking in America. I'm sharing it because we have no excuse to turn a deaf ear or a blind eye to this injustice happening right in our own backyards. This little girl, a normal American kid, went to her friend's house to sleepover after getting in a fight with her mom and was never seen again. She was forced into sex slavery and wasn't allowed to leave. Her pimp emotionally bound her, beat her, brainwashed her, made her feel like she was in trouble, and made daily threats against her life. The story talks about many issues regarding our American blind eye to sex trafficking, how even cops will arrest minors in prostitution when they were trafficked into slavery. How there are no spots for rehabilitation centers for these girls and boys because the need is too high. There's 1000x the need than what is available. And who is fighting for them?
There are so many complexities to injustices in the world. Reading about the stalemate between South and North Sudan is heartbreaking, that ethnic cleansing is still happening and thrives despite the divorce and human rights violations are being committed on both sides. How Hersheys Chocolate uses child slaves to get their cocoa beans. How entire countries run on corruption and dysfunctional division. That's why I am here. To learn about what I can do to be part of the solution. Because problems like these are complex, and none of us can just go in with sword and demand justice (in prayer we can though). HOWEVER, does that mean we just throw our hands up in the air? Oop. Too hard. I don't care enough. Let someone else handle this. I wholeheartedly believe we can't. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone can make a difference, even just by learning about an issue.
Learn about human trafficking in America. It's everywhere. What's more, this is something that can be fought without negative externalities. Better and more informed law enforcement, targeting the pimps and johns and not the prostitutes, criminal trials against the Pimps and the johns - all perfectly feasible goals. Learn about it! Then maybe we can STOP living in our deranged comfortable middle class mindset and pretending like a widespread, networked, global INDUSTRY doesn't exist. It lives and breathes and feeds off of ignorance.
- Katrina Doyle
This news story exposes the truth of human trafficking in America. I'm sharing it because we have no excuse to turn a deaf ear or a blind eye to this injustice happening right in our own backyards. This little girl, a normal American kid, went to her friend's house to sleepover after getting in a fight with her mom and was never seen again. She was forced into sex slavery and wasn't allowed to leave. Her pimp emotionally bound her, beat her, brainwashed her, made her feel like she was in trouble, and made daily threats against her life. The story talks about many issues regarding our American blind eye to sex trafficking, how even cops will arrest minors in prostitution when they were trafficked into slavery. How there are no spots for rehabilitation centers for these girls and boys because the need is too high. There's 1000x the need than what is available. And who is fighting for them?
There are so many complexities to injustices in the world. Reading about the stalemate between South and North Sudan is heartbreaking, that ethnic cleansing is still happening and thrives despite the divorce and human rights violations are being committed on both sides. How Hersheys Chocolate uses child slaves to get their cocoa beans. How entire countries run on corruption and dysfunctional division. That's why I am here. To learn about what I can do to be part of the solution. Because problems like these are complex, and none of us can just go in with sword and demand justice (in prayer we can though). HOWEVER, does that mean we just throw our hands up in the air? Oop. Too hard. I don't care enough. Let someone else handle this. I wholeheartedly believe we can't. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone can make a difference, even just by learning about an issue.
Learn about human trafficking in America. It's everywhere. What's more, this is something that can be fought without negative externalities. Better and more informed law enforcement, targeting the pimps and johns and not the prostitutes, criminal trials against the Pimps and the johns - all perfectly feasible goals. Learn about it! Then maybe we can STOP living in our deranged comfortable middle class mindset and pretending like a widespread, networked, global INDUSTRY doesn't exist. It lives and breathes and feeds off of ignorance.
- Katrina Doyle
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Charismatic? Or Biblical?
I have been struggling with something on and off all year. And it gets more and more personal as it affronts me. Because it grew from just awkward encounters with random Christians, to debates with trained and career Ministers, to my inability to explain this concept with some of my closest friends here - Christians at that.
I had a conversation with someone a few days ago and I mentioned my frustration with denominations because it often gives people excuses to deny things that are Biblical or deem things as unimportant, often because they associate them with another practice or denomination different from theirs. My friend respectfully disagreed, saying that the only difference between denominations are a few words in The Lord's Prayer, the way you're baptised, etc. And then the subject changed before I could get bold enough to say what I really meant. I couldn't really say the prime example I have been thinking about all school year, because I thought it would offend all the people I was with. But I'm going to say it now. And if you are reading this friends, know that I am only using the question I brought up the other day as a gateway into the meat of this blogpost. Please don't get offended and know that this is not aimed at you, but at a serious problem in the Church as a whole.
In the most concise words I can put: "Charismatic" is often used to describe the practice of spiritual gifts, encounters with God, and signs and wonders. Spiritual manifestations are even rejected by many denominations of Christianity. This is a huge problem, as spiritual manifestations and the corporate use of spiritual gifts in the Church is biblical. From Genesis to Revelation, people all over the Bible encounter God in radical ways. And people continue to encounter Him today. Speaking in tongues didn't happen once, it became a practice. From Pentecost on, some began speaking in tongues as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Prophecy wasn't just for Elijah and Isaiah. It is a spiritual gift that Paul wishes "we all have". Signs and wonders aren't only allowed in the Bible. They happen all the time today! If you don't know my story of how I was given life from sudden death as a baby after drowning in the pool, how my parents prayed for me in the ER after the doctors declared me done for and my eyes shot open and heart rate monitor started going after AMEN, email me and I will gladly share. It's good news! It's the gospel! Jesus has come to heal! Amen.
17 “‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
19 I will show wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20 The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21 And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
- Acts 2:17-21
Speaking in tongues, visions, signs, wonders, demons, angels, prophecy, healing - these are all considered "CHARISMATIC". Before I came to this school, I had no idea what the heck charismatic meant. I had to learn from people here what it was because they think I'm weird. I know they haven't experienced the wondrous works God does today. He is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He doesn't change. Neither does the Holy Spirit. We all have the same Holy Spirit. So why should Biblical concepts like the ones I mentioned above - speaking in tongues, healing, prophecy, etc. be attributed to a certain denomination or practice, thus deauthenticating their purpose?
Paul says that those who do not have the Spirit of the Lord inside of them are not Christians at all (Romans 8:9). Because of this and verse 21 of Acts 2 above, I believe that those who have truly given their hearts to Christ have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them. The entering of the Holy Spirit occurs at Salvation. Pentecostals will disagree with me on this, but that's because so many people in Acts and the Church today had been Christians for years but never experienced the Holy Spirit. And then revival - which is messy - breaks out and people experience God for the first time. it's natural to think that someone who has been a Christian for years and experiences God for the first time has also received the Spirit for the first time. Maybe, but not always the case. This because so many Christians are told to reject him, Holy Spirit. It's called "quenching the Spirit" and it's a sin. For some, spiritual growth is immediate - Baptism of the Holy Spirit. For some, spiritual growth is gradual. For some, it is stagnant.
This I took from the Southern Baptist Convention's official website -
As scripture says, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom". I love how this concept is said eloquently in Psalms "There is vindication in the presence of the Lord." Yet, so many Christians I know reduce the Holy Spirit to this ambiguous member of the Trinity who is treated more as a mystical "power force" of God, than an actual person of the Trinity. Holy Spirit is real. He is here. He is now. Jesus said "It is better that I leave you because the Comforter (The Holy Spirit) is coming". Jesus knew that it was better for him to leave for a couple thousand years and leave us with the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is so amazing! Jesus was in a human body. He could only physically be in one place at a time. But the Holy Spirit can live in all of us, in all of our hearts, and operate through and around us.
The Holy Spirit lives inside of you, makes you a new person, and communicates God's word to you. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit gives you power, and the ability to do the same things Christ did and MORE. It's not blasphemy. It's biblical.
"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12
We have the power to raise people from the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons, and even more. And it's not by our own strength. Oh no no no. This isn't mysticism. This is done in the only name that has power - Jesus. By His blood, I can speak to a mountain and tell it get lost. (Mark 11:23)
The Holy Spirit came down so many times in the Bible, I don't know how many to count! The building of the temple in 1 Samuel, David, Pentecost in Acts, the Samaritan church in Jerusalem, Cornelius in Acts, Revelation. And speaking in tongues didn't happen ONCE. It happened so many times. Paul would write letters to people encouraging them to walk out in spiritual gifts to strengthen and encourage one another. One who has the gift of evangelism, of teaching, of unknown tongues, of prophecy, of mercy........
It hurts. It really hurts. It hurts that I walk in the Spirit and experience the freedom and joy of chains GONE and some of my Christian friends, and Christian leaders that I see, do not experience this same freedom. How do I know they don't? Because many of them constantly still refer to themselves as sinners and struggling to fight sin. Whereas I am not in a struggle against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities of darkness (Eph 6:12). I know that Christ has set me free from my dark sin that separated me from him, and now that I am liberated I walk in this blissful freedom.
It hurts that biblical concepts are deauthenticated and labeled as "charismatic" by so many. When you umbrella the Spirit under an ideology, you avoid it at all costs. It's really upsetting and it hits home because I've been there. I've thought things were weird, thought that some people had faith that was so big it was "unbiblical" to me. But when I experienced the same freedom in the Spirit that they did, I realized how right they were! And so I have grace for those who are still doubtful. So much grace. If anything comes out of this long, drawn out blog entry that is jumbled with so much stuff I just want to say in the most loving way possible: Spirituality is not charismatic; it is part of our Christian life. Don't reject speaking in tongues, visions, prophecy, demons, angels, etc... just because your pastor said that it was "charismatic" and unbiblical or that it CAN'T occur today. That's because they haven't experienced it. They haven't experienced the fullness of the fruits of the spirit - peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, all those! They come with the fullness of my best friend - Holy Spirit! He is so good. Amen.
I had a conversation with someone a few days ago and I mentioned my frustration with denominations because it often gives people excuses to deny things that are Biblical or deem things as unimportant, often because they associate them with another practice or denomination different from theirs. My friend respectfully disagreed, saying that the only difference between denominations are a few words in The Lord's Prayer, the way you're baptised, etc. And then the subject changed before I could get bold enough to say what I really meant. I couldn't really say the prime example I have been thinking about all school year, because I thought it would offend all the people I was with. But I'm going to say it now. And if you are reading this friends, know that I am only using the question I brought up the other day as a gateway into the meat of this blogpost. Please don't get offended and know that this is not aimed at you, but at a serious problem in the Church as a whole.
In the most concise words I can put: "Charismatic" is often used to describe the practice of spiritual gifts, encounters with God, and signs and wonders. Spiritual manifestations are even rejected by many denominations of Christianity. This is a huge problem, as spiritual manifestations and the corporate use of spiritual gifts in the Church is biblical. From Genesis to Revelation, people all over the Bible encounter God in radical ways. And people continue to encounter Him today. Speaking in tongues didn't happen once, it became a practice. From Pentecost on, some began speaking in tongues as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Prophecy wasn't just for Elijah and Isaiah. It is a spiritual gift that Paul wishes "we all have". Signs and wonders aren't only allowed in the Bible. They happen all the time today! If you don't know my story of how I was given life from sudden death as a baby after drowning in the pool, how my parents prayed for me in the ER after the doctors declared me done for and my eyes shot open and heart rate monitor started going after AMEN, email me and I will gladly share. It's good news! It's the gospel! Jesus has come to heal! Amen.
17 “‘In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.
19 I will show wonders in the heavens above
and signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20 The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21 And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
- Acts 2:17-21
Speaking in tongues, visions, signs, wonders, demons, angels, prophecy, healing - these are all considered "CHARISMATIC". Before I came to this school, I had no idea what the heck charismatic meant. I had to learn from people here what it was because they think I'm weird. I know they haven't experienced the wondrous works God does today. He is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He doesn't change. Neither does the Holy Spirit. We all have the same Holy Spirit. So why should Biblical concepts like the ones I mentioned above - speaking in tongues, healing, prophecy, etc. be attributed to a certain denomination or practice, thus deauthenticating their purpose?
Paul says that those who do not have the Spirit of the Lord inside of them are not Christians at all (Romans 8:9). Because of this and verse 21 of Acts 2 above, I believe that those who have truly given their hearts to Christ have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them. The entering of the Holy Spirit occurs at Salvation. Pentecostals will disagree with me on this, but that's because so many people in Acts and the Church today had been Christians for years but never experienced the Holy Spirit. And then revival - which is messy - breaks out and people experience God for the first time. it's natural to think that someone who has been a Christian for years and experiences God for the first time has also received the Spirit for the first time. Maybe, but not always the case. This because so many Christians are told to reject him, Holy Spirit. It's called "quenching the Spirit" and it's a sin. For some, spiritual growth is immediate - Baptism of the Holy Spirit. For some, spiritual growth is gradual. For some, it is stagnant.
This I took from the Southern Baptist Convention's official website -
There is no official SBC view or stance on the issue. If you polled SBC churches across the nation on the topic of "charismatic" practices you would likely find a variety of perspectives. Probably most believe that the "gift of tongues" as described in the Bible ceased upon the completion of the Bible. Some may view speaking in tongues as a spiritual gift given to some Christians enabling them to communicate the Gospel to foreign cultures in a language the speaker had not known previously. A very small minority might accept what is commonly practiced today in charismatic churches as valid
I don't mean to call out a particular group. Everyone has their faults. But this caught my attention. How could the gift of tongues cease upon completion of the bible? Like I said, God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. I am not even charismatic. I just was worshipping God one night and then starting speaking in tongues. In a public school worship event. I wasn't at some creepy Apocalyptic basement meeting. It was in the middle of my high school's auditorium. Tell me, anyone, how this is an unauthentic experience. When I speak in tongues, my Spirit "utters and groans things that the mouth cannot" (Romans 8:26). When I don't know how to pray, my spiritual tongues help me out. Through this gift, I've seen people get healed from disease, God's presence fall in a place, and more.
The Holy Spirit lives inside of you, makes you a new person, and communicates God's word to you. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit gives you power, and the ability to do the same things Christ did and MORE. It's not blasphemy. It's biblical.
"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12
We have the power to raise people from the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons, and even more. And it's not by our own strength. Oh no no no. This isn't mysticism. This is done in the only name that has power - Jesus. By His blood, I can speak to a mountain and tell it get lost. (Mark 11:23)
The Holy Spirit came down so many times in the Bible, I don't know how many to count! The building of the temple in 1 Samuel, David, Pentecost in Acts, the Samaritan church in Jerusalem, Cornelius in Acts, Revelation. And speaking in tongues didn't happen ONCE. It happened so many times. Paul would write letters to people encouraging them to walk out in spiritual gifts to strengthen and encourage one another. One who has the gift of evangelism, of teaching, of unknown tongues, of prophecy, of mercy........
It hurts. It really hurts. It hurts that I walk in the Spirit and experience the freedom and joy of chains GONE and some of my Christian friends, and Christian leaders that I see, do not experience this same freedom. How do I know they don't? Because many of them constantly still refer to themselves as sinners and struggling to fight sin. Whereas I am not in a struggle against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities of darkness (Eph 6:12). I know that Christ has set me free from my dark sin that separated me from him, and now that I am liberated I walk in this blissful freedom.
It hurts that biblical concepts are deauthenticated and labeled as "charismatic" by so many. When you umbrella the Spirit under an ideology, you avoid it at all costs. It's really upsetting and it hits home because I've been there. I've thought things were weird, thought that some people had faith that was so big it was "unbiblical" to me. But when I experienced the same freedom in the Spirit that they did, I realized how right they were! And so I have grace for those who are still doubtful. So much grace. If anything comes out of this long, drawn out blog entry that is jumbled with so much stuff I just want to say in the most loving way possible: Spirituality is not charismatic; it is part of our Christian life. Don't reject speaking in tongues, visions, prophecy, demons, angels, etc... just because your pastor said that it was "charismatic" and unbiblical or that it CAN'T occur today. That's because they haven't experienced it. They haven't experienced the fullness of the fruits of the spirit - peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, all those! They come with the fullness of my best friend - Holy Spirit! He is so good. Amen.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Day 21
Well it's been an awesome break from facebook and presssing in to prayer. I admit that I could have done better about carving out more hours for prayer, but I know God sees my efforts and is smiling upon me with singing and dancing. I know that He has blessed this fast, as the main thing I was praying for came into completion - my family recieved the provision and favor they needed despite all odds working against us. I was also praying for 4 things that Matt Lockett asked us to fast for: 1) The Health Care Bill to respect religious rights, 2) clarity and transparency in this debate, 3)President Obama, 4) Raising up of the voice of women this year. I know and feel in my spirit that the Lord has this under control, that his will shall be done and we must continue to listen to Him. I believe this year will be a very vocal year in issues like abortion, humanitarianism, and the church itself. I also believe that there is so much more that we don't even think about that will have a huge affect on us spiritually as the body of Christ this year. Much has occured during this time in my personal life, but most importantly I feel completely compelled and hungry for more of Jesus.
Might as well finish explaining the last few things of "List of 21 things I haven't caught you up on".
13) Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan came to my school for a Mock Trial event and served as one of the judges. It was fun! And also super inspiring to hear an actual Justice in person.
14) I had a really bad week a month ago. Jacob and I got in a bad fight, wasn't doing too well in school, was real sick, and having roommate as well as friend problems. BUT the Lord was great and after clinging to him in the pain, he was faithful to seeing me out of the storm.
15) My BIRTHDAY was awesome! At 12am Feb 9th, whilest Skyping Jacob and two of our friends, my roommates and half my floor came into my room with candles and sang Happy Birthday! After blowing out my candles, Jacob and our friends played Happy Bday on guitar and sang super loud and awesome. It was great. That night, me and 5 of my closest friends went to this place called "Busboys and Poets". We ate organic/vegan food and heard live poetry jam. Then, Franny and I put our names on the list. I sang an original song I wrote and Franny blew us all away by breaking out of her soft-spokenness and getting super emotional and loud on stage with a heartbreaking poem. It made me cry. The day was great, and I got some great gifts from my roommates and friends. Yay Birthday!
16) Valentine's Day was great! Me and Jacob had a Skype dinner date and even dressed up! So cute. Then afterwards, I made cookies with Donna - actually all I did was eat them. Then, we spontaneously went to the Intervarsity V-day party. All the guys of Intervarsity through the girls a VDAY party with delicious dessert, live talent performances by them, an game of making impressions of others, dancing, readings from Song of Solomon, and fun fun fun. We all dressed up and the lovely event was held on the roof of one of our tallest buildings on campus where we had an excellent view of the whole city. Here's me all dolled up!
17) One week, everyone in Foggy Bottom was freaking out about a super contagious virus that put like 50+ kids into the hospital. Insane cleaning, sanitation, and germaphobia occured.
18) IJM is the International Justice Mission. They are a Christian org that combats human trafficking around the globe by providing some of the brightest and most passionate lawyers to bring justice, rehabilitation centers, counseling, rescue missions, and more. They are all about prayer and fasting! There has never been an IJM college chapter in the greater DC area, even though their headquarters are located in DC! So one girl at my school felt super called to start one at GW this past month. I joined and applied for the executive board, and got the exact position I wanted! (Prayer Coordinator). Super excited about this.
19) Franny and Rohita! Greatest girls ever. I am so excited to room with them next year. We are planning on making our room a worship/prayer room.
20) My awesome classes! I am taking Spanish, Contemporary US History since 1945, Intro to International Affairs, and Macroeconomics. All my professors are brilliant, kind, and interesting. My classes have intertwined on a plurality of occasions. It makes for a great college experience.
21) My awesome friends! What more can I say? I love them so much. I do feel like I am starting to have a family here.
This whole week, Jacob came in town to visit me. We have had such a blast! No rest, just tons of DC and hanging out. Here's some pics.
Peace and Love,
Might as well finish explaining the last few things of "List of 21 things I haven't caught you up on".
13) Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan came to my school for a Mock Trial event and served as one of the judges. It was fun! And also super inspiring to hear an actual Justice in person.
14) I had a really bad week a month ago. Jacob and I got in a bad fight, wasn't doing too well in school, was real sick, and having roommate as well as friend problems. BUT the Lord was great and after clinging to him in the pain, he was faithful to seeing me out of the storm.
15) My BIRTHDAY was awesome! At 12am Feb 9th, whilest Skyping Jacob and two of our friends, my roommates and half my floor came into my room with candles and sang Happy Birthday! After blowing out my candles, Jacob and our friends played Happy Bday on guitar and sang super loud and awesome. It was great. That night, me and 5 of my closest friends went to this place called "Busboys and Poets". We ate organic/vegan food and heard live poetry jam. Then, Franny and I put our names on the list. I sang an original song I wrote and Franny blew us all away by breaking out of her soft-spokenness and getting super emotional and loud on stage with a heartbreaking poem. It made me cry. The day was great, and I got some great gifts from my roommates and friends. Yay Birthday!
16) Valentine's Day was great! Me and Jacob had a Skype dinner date and even dressed up! So cute. Then afterwards, I made cookies with Donna - actually all I did was eat them. Then, we spontaneously went to the Intervarsity V-day party. All the guys of Intervarsity through the girls a VDAY party with delicious dessert, live talent performances by them, an game of making impressions of others, dancing, readings from Song of Solomon, and fun fun fun. We all dressed up and the lovely event was held on the roof of one of our tallest buildings on campus where we had an excellent view of the whole city. Here's me all dolled up!
17) One week, everyone in Foggy Bottom was freaking out about a super contagious virus that put like 50+ kids into the hospital. Insane cleaning, sanitation, and germaphobia occured.
18) IJM is the International Justice Mission. They are a Christian org that combats human trafficking around the globe by providing some of the brightest and most passionate lawyers to bring justice, rehabilitation centers, counseling, rescue missions, and more. They are all about prayer and fasting! There has never been an IJM college chapter in the greater DC area, even though their headquarters are located in DC! So one girl at my school felt super called to start one at GW this past month. I joined and applied for the executive board, and got the exact position I wanted! (Prayer Coordinator). Super excited about this.
19) Franny and Rohita! Greatest girls ever. I am so excited to room with them next year. We are planning on making our room a worship/prayer room.
20) My awesome classes! I am taking Spanish, Contemporary US History since 1945, Intro to International Affairs, and Macroeconomics. All my professors are brilliant, kind, and interesting. My classes have intertwined on a plurality of occasions. It makes for a great college experience.
21) My awesome friends! What more can I say? I love them so much. I do feel like I am starting to have a family here.
This whole week, Jacob came in town to visit me. We have had such a blast! No rest, just tons of DC and hanging out. Here's some pics.
Picking Jake up from Airport
The National Mall
Actual Stravinskys. Only 600 in the world - only 11 decorated. 4 Decorated right here!
The hat Lincoln wore to Ford's Theatre the night he was assasinated
The Jefferson
Cherry Blossoms in Bloom!
The White House
Sitting in the grass outside the Jefferson, which ended up becoming a nap
Lincoln at night. A GW tradition.
Washington Memorial from the view of the Capitol
The Capitol
Panda eating something
Cute Meerkat
Lions in a Brawl
Schwasted Iguana
Right now, he is sleeping on my bed :) He and I are both leaving early tomorrow morning. Him to Tally and me to Urban Plunge. I am super excited to be immersed in the service project and mission field of Urban Plunge. Don't know what's gonna happen or what the Lord's gonna do, but Ancostia here I come!Peace and Love,
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