Busy, busy, busy. Swamped with homework, studying for midterms, financial aid mishaps, work, and the tedious list of things piling up that is the essence of college life. While on the verge of tears Wednesday at the news of a $700 mistake on my college bill, I started to sing the song my mom texted me - "And if our God is for us, than what could ever stop us, and if our God is with us, than what could stand against?" and praying Phillipians 4 over me - "Be anxious for nothing...make your requests known to God...peace of God that transcends understanding...guard your heart and mind..." And at 10:58pm tonight, I see now that He really did take care of everything. I had favor with multiple people in this situation which ended up getting solved, and furthermore, my two mid-terms were pieces of delicious cake.
I forgot to talk about Urban Plunge on Day Four, but it is what I'll be doing with my Spring Break. I'll be serving in Anacostia, the poorest area of DC, with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, meeting needs and sharing Christ.
So Lou Engle. WOW. This was literally the coolest thing about this semester. If you don't know who Lou Engle is, he is the founder of TheCall, a major speaker at IHOP, and founder of Bound4Life. If none of that rings a bell, go to his website, check out a YouTube video of him speaking (he has a ridiculously disctinctive voice), or better yet -
This is a picture of the LIFE tape, the most recognizable legacy of Lou Engle as it is everywhere in the media. Read about it for yourself. Or read about TheCall or just read about Lou.
Anyway, the gist is he is a huge figure in the Christian community, a revolutionary in the pro-life movement, and an all around really awesome prophetic dude. I have known about him, read his stuff, and heard him for the past 5 or 6 years. Some of my best friends are TheCall veterans and Bound4Life activists in Tampa. So when I met him in late January, you can imagine it being a pretty big deal for me.
A guy at my church, Billy, was discipled by Lou Engle. He is his spiritual father. This fact alone made me jump on Billy the first time I met him at GW and order him to take me to his church, the very church I go to and grow in now. It just so happened that JHOP, something I wanted to be apart of way before I got accepted to GW, is the same place that Billy and many many people from my church go to and the same place that Lou Engle came to visit in late January.
We had to use an actual church's building for the event to make room for all the people. Lou's words were as always convicting and inspiring and the Holy Spirit tore the place down. Afterward, Billy asked me if I wanted to meet him. So I did! Lou told me, "You have a voice that will bring justice to the nations!" ASDKHASLKDJHLKJHLKJDAHFLIUYWHLKJ! I was flipping out and still am. This is the very calling God put on my heart 2 years ago and the reason I'm here in Washington DC. And Lou saw it! So THEN, me and the few other friends that came from GW to hear him got prayed for. And I was right next to him! So he laid hands on me! HE LAID HANDS ON ME.
Okay that was all. And of course I'm making this more dramatic than it need be, but I mean HEY. The guy is cool. But he is just a man, like the rest of us. Lou doesn't have any special power. God has the real power. But Lou chooses to be used by God and is a superinspiring and influencial individual. Thus, I got stoked.
Afterward, it SNOWED.
What a night. YAY SNOW!
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