Monday, March 5, 2012

Days 13-17

The main thing I have been praying for - regarding my family - has been completely answered.  God has fulfilled his Word!  Amen!  Can't really explain it, but know that a miracle has occured in the Doyle house and we are praising God! :)  This is the power of prayer and fasting.  God has turned his ear and heard us. 

I'm still praying for God to move in Congress and shine his light of truth and wisdom upon the Health Care Bill, and stir represetntatives into protecting religious rights.  I'm also still praying for female voices to rise up this year!

At JHOP on Friday, we prayed for Obama, Israel, and the tornadoes.  Whilst praying for the tornadoes, God highlighted something very interesting.  He directed our hearts to pray for the voices of prophetic children (2-5 years) to rise up during this time and be messengers to their families.  How did this come about?  Well I'll tell you!

  I was sitting down praying in my head when God showed me this vision in the spirit of a little boy and a little girl no older than 5 years old telling their parents that a tornado was coming and that they all need to hide in the cellar.  They were hearing God and relaying what He was saying back to their family.  While I am seeing this, a woman got up to the microphone and started praying for the voices of little children to be heard, that they would be messengers to their families, a prophetic voice in the storm.  I immediately got up to the mic after her and described the vision God showed me before she even started speaking.  And a few of the interecessors came up to read the same prophecy in God's word.  (Matthew 11:25 , Psalm 8:2)  Then I had another vision of a new generation rising up, that while we (my generation) was the one who sought after all of God or nothing, this will be the generation of prophets.  And immediately after, someone got up to pray the same vision!  So I'm thinking I gotta pray for little ones this season.

Last thing, Jacob my darling is coming tomorrow!  Less than 20 hours away!  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! :)

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