Thursday, October 20, 2011

Uno dos tres quatro cinco

God is great!  I got a scholarship to go on a retreat this weekend.  I only have to pay $50.  I am going to Camp Hashawa Westminster, MD and this is on a complete whim.  I had no plans of this yesterday.  But I'm doing it tomorrow!

Second grreeeaaatt thing:  Pam & Gil are coming from Tampa!  I get to see them TOMORROW.  Pam & Gil led a house church in Tampa that I went to as many Fridays as I could.  It was a great environment where I grew the most.

Thirdly.... I am a vegan for the rest of the month pretty much.  I started a strict diet plan to cut out anything and everything that could cause my stomach to be crazy stupid (which it has been for the past 2 years).  This means no meat, dairy, wheat, citrus fruits, onions, spices, or peppers.  So basically I am only allowed to eat SOME fruits, vegetables, potatoes, rice, and beans. And I have to start drinking 4 bottles of water a day.  Fun stuff guys.  Good thing this only lasts a week because I would die.  Each successive day I'm allowed to add ONE food item so I can see exactly what has been the cause of my crazy adominal pains/vomiting/indigestion/constant state of nausea.   If it isn't food, then we can explore other causes.  We'll see what will become of this.

4thly: FINISHED DR.ZHIVAGO after an entire month of reading it.  Just for fun.  It's the first almost 600 page novel I've ever completed.  I read it so I could watch the BBC miniseries reenactment of it.  I probably would've enjoyed the show had I not read the book.  HOWEVER, I found it to suck.  Immensely.

numero cinco: I think I'm joining Intervarsity's worship team - WOOHOO

En conclusion... (that's spanish for in conclusion!).......
Be praying that God heals my stomach!  I believe he can!  Pray for my morale, as I am slightly hungry and slightly irritated.  Pray for my faith to INCREASE, my joy to AUGMENT, and my blessings to MULTIPLY.

Oh and pray for Jacob.  A guy kneeded him in the chest and he bruised it REALLY bad and had to go to the doctor. 

Katrina Doyle

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